Advanced Cermet
The coating is inorganic, 3-5 um thick, and exhibits the following properties:
- Light absorption is compliant with state-of-art earth observation requirements in the visible and IR
- Light reflection behavior is Lambertian
- Various materials and shapes can be coated
- The coating features a good adhesion and outgassing behaviors

UV-vis-NIR: The advanced cermet coating features a total hemispherical reflection that weakly depends on the wavelength in the 250-2500nm spectral range. The integrated THR is ≤1% up to an angle of incidence of 30°, then rises steadily with the AOI, while it complies with the state-of-art requirements for stray light mitigation.

MIR and FIR: The measured directional spectral emissivity exceeds 0.95 with a very weak dependency on the wavelength (5-20 um) and the angle of incidence (10-60°). An overall high emissivity is retained up to a wavelength of 70 um, and AOI of 60°.

BRDF: the bidirectional reflectance distribution function reveals a Lambertian behavior. A flat profile is obtained at near normal incidence with wear dependence on the wavelengths. Whereas, a forward scattering is observed at grazing incidence.

Properties: The coating complies with the adhesion tape test with the 3M-250 (8N/cm) and the outgassing test reveals the following characteristics: TML (0.023%), CVCM (0.015%), WVR (0.007%) and RML (0.016%). The coating features rough surface and can be applied on a variety of isolating, semiconducting and metallic materials.